
Can climate-smart agriculture help to assure food security through short supply chains? A systematic bibliometric and bibliographic literature review


Purpose – This paper aims to reveal potential research possibilities for enhancing climate-smart agriculture through short supply chains.

Research question – How can short supply chains assure food security and the promotion of climate-smart agriculture?

Research methodology – Bibliographic and bibliometric coupling techniques were employed using data from 1990–2022. The raw data was processed using the VOSviewer 1.6.18 software version.

Findings – The results confirm the positive effect of the systemically important relationship between the short supply chain and food security.

Research limitations – Climate-smart agriculture is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. Additional variables may have moderating and mediating effects on the impact of short supply chains on food security.

Practical implications – The results establish the importance of having a short supply chain for food security in different aspects of the process from the harvest to the table.

Originality and value – This study confirms the rationale for developing shorter food supply chains to assure food security and climate-smart agriculture when possible.

Keyword : climate-smart agriculture, food security, short supply chain, bibliographic analysis, VOSviewer

How to Cite
Morkūnas, M., Rudienė, E., & Ostenda, A. (2022). Can climate-smart agriculture help to assure food security through short supply chains? A systematic bibliometric and bibliographic literature review. Business, Management and Economics Engineering, 20(2), 207–223.
Published in Issue
Jul 14, 2022
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