
Systematic bibliometric review of artificial intelligence technology in organizational management, development, change and culture

    Svitlana Bilan Affiliation
    ; Petr Šuleř Affiliation
    ; Olena Skrynnyk Affiliation
    ; Emília Krajňáková Affiliation
    ; Tetyana Vasilyeva   Affiliation


Even now, in the times of advanced digitization, the planning and implementation of many organizational measures remain human-driven. Corresponding to a global trend of application of artificial intelligence in all areas of life, it has received more attention in the last few years and garnered emerging clusters of research in usage of this technology for organizational issues. Some companies already offer tools that support different management tasks in the area of organizational development, but they are not holistic. According to the google trend analysis of the search for artificial intelligence, the inquiry to this topic continues increasing. The purpose of the described investigation was to identify the academic trends in research interaction between such scientific fields, as Artificial Intelligence, Organizational Management, Organizational Development, Organizational Change, and Organizational Culture using bibliometric and network publication analysis. In order to achieve this purpose, we systematically analysed 191 publications between 1983 and 2020 as well as cited and citing publications. The findings of this study provide important conclusions of the current research state. The insightful results are presented in the form of critical review and frame the body of knowledge.

Keyword : organizational management, organizational development, organizational change, organizational culture, artificial intelligence, neural network, bibliometric analysis, network analysis

How to Cite
Bilan, S., Šuleř, P., Skrynnyk, O., Krajňáková, E., & Vasilyeva, T. (2022). Systematic bibliometric review of artificial intelligence technology in organizational management, development, change and culture. Business: Theory and Practice, 23(1), 1–13.
Published in Issue
Jan 19, 2022
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