
Using fuzzy sets in the estimation system of the efficiency of urban environment metabolism (on the example of cities of Ukraine)

    Igor Patrakeyev   Affiliation
    ; Victor Ziborov   Affiliation


The urban environment is a networked metabolic organism. The urban environment includes networks that feed it with energy, resources, people, goods and information. The urban environment carries out a permanent transformation of matter, energy and produces waste, which together change the urban environment. We have proposed to use an indicator for assessing the efficiency of the metabolism of the urban environment, which allows to take into account the relationship between the urban structure, energy consumption, emissions of pollutants and the intensity of consumption of natural resources. We use this indicator as a tool for forecasting sustainable urban development. Using the example of Poltava city, we have shown that the indicator for assessing the metabolic efficiency of the urban environment can be used as one of the decision-making tools for the sustainable development of Ukrainian cities. The improvement of existing and development of new indicators is an important task towards the implementation of the concept of sustainable development, which is a logical continuation of the teachings of V. I. Vernadsky on the noosphere.

Keyword : resource flows, energy balance, free energy, metabolism of the urban environment, material-energy streams, fuzzy logic

How to Cite
Patrakeyev, I., & Ziborov, V. (2019). Using fuzzy sets in the estimation system of the efficiency of urban environment metabolism (on the example of cities of Ukraine). Geodesy and Cartography, 45(3), 102-109.
Published in Issue
Oct 25, 2019
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