
Multi-stakeholder optimal energy supply for multi-family houses under 2021 German market conditions

    Lucas Schmeling Affiliation
    ; Florian Walter Affiliation
    ; Timo Erfurth Affiliation
    ; Peter Klement Affiliation
    ; Benedikt Hanke Affiliation
    ; Karsten von Maydell Affiliation
    ; Carsten Agert Affiliation
    ; Bernd Siebenhüner Affiliation


Especially in the energy supply of multi-family houses, a wide variety of stakeholders are involved, from owners, to users, to energy service providers and society. They usually have different requirements and understandings of optimality, but ultimately have to make joint decisions and thus sensible compromises. In Germany in particular, there are a large number of multi-family houses and, at the same time, many government restrictions and subsidies in terms of energy supply. This makes it difficult to make clear recommendations for the choice of an energy supply concept that takes all stakeholder interests into account. We first identify the relevant stakeholders and define their objectives. In order to relate these with one another, we present a methodology based on energy system simulation and TOPSIS to make energy concepts objectively evaluable. A generic multi-family house with 40 residential units is examined, combining different energy technologies and insulation standards. There is no energy concept that satisfies all stakeholders equally and it is difficult to build coalitions between them. The best results are achieved by air-source heat pumps in combination with photovoltaic.

Keyword : energy system optimisation, energy system simulation, distributed generation, multiple-criteria decision analysis, TOPSIS, DIN V 18599

How to Cite
Schmeling, L., Walter, F., Erfurth, T., Klement, P., Hanke, B., von Maydell, K., Agert, C., & Siebenhüner, B. (2024). Multi-stakeholder optimal energy supply for multi-family houses under 2021 German market conditions. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 30(6), 481–493.
Published in Issue
Jul 4, 2024
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