
Emerging information technology acceptance model for the development of smart construction system

    Zhihe Yang Affiliation
    ; Yaowu Wang Affiliation
    ; Chengshuang Sun Affiliation


The potential of emerging information technology has been proposed by many researchers and practitioners in the construction industry, including smart construction. Meanwhile, emerging information technology acceptance and use is one of the major subjects for current smart construction study and practice. Furthermore, although there are many potential applications for and benefits of emerging information technology in the development of smart construction system, the current issue is that it is unclear why this technology is adopted, and that the factors that enhance its implementation are unknown. Therefore, an emerging information technology acceptance model (EITAM) was proposed, and our hypotheses were tested by structural equation modeling (SEM) based on an open-ended questionnaire survey. This study identified the factors that affect emerging information technology acceptance from engineering construction technology and innovation professionals. The EITAM evaluation results can be used to develop an emerging information technology acceptance strategy that is suitable for continual smart construction promotion. Finally, this study can provide guidance to smart construction developers to establish an effective technological integration plan.

Keyword : technology acceptance model (TAM), information technology, construction system, structural equation modeling (SEM)

How to Cite
Yang, Z., Wang, Y., & Sun, C. (2018). Emerging information technology acceptance model for the development of smart construction system. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 24(6), 457-468.
Published in Issue
Oct 10, 2018
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