
On a safety set for an epidemic model with a bounded population

    Carmen Coll   Affiliation
    ; Sergio Romero-Vivó   Affiliation
    ; Elena Sánchez   Affiliation


Given a class of non-linear SIRS epidemic model, we analyse some useful conditions on the model parameters to determine a safety set for the containment of an epidemic. In addition, once that set is determined, we find control actions so that the epidemic remains within the security set with infection rates below an allowed amount. More specifically, for every initial state in a certain safety set of the state space there exists an adequate control policy maintaining the state of the system in such safety set. Sufficient conditions for the existence of a solution under a feedback are derived in terms of linear inequalities on the input vectors at the vertices of a polytope.

Keyword : epidemiological process, discrete-time non-linear system, positivity, stability, control feedback

How to Cite
Coll, C., Romero-Vivó, S., & Sánchez, E. (2022). On a safety set for an epidemic model with a bounded population. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 27(2), 263–281.
Published in Issue
Apr 27, 2022
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