On a Dirichlet series connected to a periodic Hurwitz zeta-function with transcendental and rational parameter
In the paper, we construct an absolutely convergent Dirichlet series which in the mean is close to the periodic Hurwitz zeta-function, and has the universality property on the approximation of a wide class of analytic functions.
Keyword : Haar measure, periodic Hurwitz zeta-function, space of analytic functions, universality, weak convergence
How to Cite
Balčiūnas, A., Laurinčikas, A., & Stoncelis, M. (2023). On a Dirichlet series connected to a periodic Hurwitz zeta-function with transcendental and rational parameter. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 28(1), 91–101. https://doi.org/10.3846/mma.2023.17222

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